Welcome to Your Worst Teacher Halloween Nightmare: Dressing Up On the Wrong Day

Welcome to Your Worst Teacher Halloween Nightmare Dressing Up On the Wrong Day

If it’s not your current teacher nightmare, it will soon become your teacher nightmare: going all-out for Halloween or spirit day in full costume … only to arrive at school and realize no one else is in costume.

That’s right. You are the teacher who dressed up on the wrong day. *cue screeching violins*

Last year, this nightmare became a reality for @mrwilliamsprek, a TikTok creator and pre-K teacher. Thinking that teachers would be dressing up on the Friday before Halloween as per his last school’s practice, he headed off to school in full princess glam (he let his class vote on his costume).

Listen to him share his traumatizing experience … but watch with the sound off or on your conference period!

The comment section is a deluge of support for Mr. Williams. Teachers weighed in with sympathy, similar stories, and praise for his error in scheduling.

It’s hard to narrow it down, but let’s talk about the best parts of this video.

Things we love about this teacher who dressed up on the wrong day:

1. The hat.

That’s all.

2. He let his students vote on his costume.

How sweet is this? Students would love voting on their teacher’s costume no matter how old they are, but pre-K students in particular would be screaming.

3. “Let’s take a pre-K pause so you can see the full outfit, actually.”

If you’ve seen Mr. Williams’ other TikToks about school, you know that he uses “pre-K pause” as his attention-getter, and we are actually jealous that we haven’t integrated our attention-getters into our everyday lives.

4. Khakis under princess skirt.

It’s giving “runway meets hallway,” no?

5. “She’s an icon. She’s the moment. … She got the dates wrong.”

Filing this response away for the next time I go to the dentist’s office on the wrong day.

All kidding aside, we love a teacher who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. There are too many mistakes, snafus, and total catastrophes in this line of work to not respond with humor and grace.

Don’t worry, Mr. Williams. You look so pretty in pink, and you have definitely earned your martini (or two) tonight.

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