Leave It to Race-Hustling Sharpton: 'Offensive' That 'Black Reporters' Weren't Called on in Biden Presser

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In this episode of The Eternally Offended Al Sharpton…

With the possible exception of MSNBC’s race-baiter par excellence Joy Reid, nobody’s better at race-hustling than the old pro himself, the extraordinary Al Sharpton. Like Reid, dude can manufacture racism where it doesn’t exist like a champ.

During an appearance on Friday’s episode of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Sharpton was asked by fill-in anchor Willie Geist to share his thoughts on the possible replacement of Joe Biden as the Democrat presidential nominee, which we’ll get to in a minute, but first, the rev’s take on the reporters who were chosen to ask questions of Joe Biden at his Thursday night press conference:

I looked at the press conference last night and said, where are the Black reporters? … Don’t forget it was the stonewall of the Black and Latino vote that put Biden in nomination. And for us to be out of these discussions, I think is offensive and elitist.

One wonders if Sharpton also finds it offensive and elitist that the last time I saw a white couple in a television commercial was wait— I don’t remember the last time I saw a white couple in a television commercial.

As per usual, aides provided Biden with a list of reporters to call on during the hour-long presser.

Geist began the discussion about “the Biden problem” thusly: “There is deep concern, and I know you’re hearing it too, that Joe Biden could lose it all for Democrats.”

Sharpton shockingly (not) made his response all about race, as well.

I’m hearing, yes, but also hearing ‘not so fast,’ because if not by Biden, then how do we do a transition that doesn’t put us in a more dangerous position? I was in Milwaukee, yesterday doing a eulogy for a black man that was killed by some hotel guards. People there are in an uproar about that … saying to me ‘you cannot win Wisconsin without Milwaukee and Black turnout.’ 

They were saying to me ‘well, we got questions about Biden’s age but where do we go, and are they gonna try to undermine Kamala Harris?’ So I think that if we’re talking a coalition, you’ve gotta remember the basic groups of that coalition — Black, Latinos, and labor. You can’t just take for granted we’re gonna go where some people just wanna go, and abandon someone who’s been with us.   

Translation: “If Biden is replaced and his replacement isn’t named Kamala Harris, Black voters are not going to simply walk lock-step with the decision.”  

A subtle threat from Rev. Al? Of course, it was.


WATCH: Professional Race-Hustler Al Sharpton Compares People
Who Get News From ‘Wrong Source’ to Slaves

MSDNC Trots Out Race Hustling ‘Rev.’ Sharpton to Decry Trump’s Bible ‘Hustle,’
and You Just Have to Laugh

Al Sharpton has been stirring up race relations on the national scene for more than 40 years. While his shtick long ago became transparent tripe, I suspect he’ll continue it until he draws his last healthy breath. 

Did I mention Sharpton, as a pastor, is worth an estimated $500 million? Go figure.

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