Cover Snark: Celebrity Lookalikes


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Finally Yours by Harper Michaels. A shirtless man with a stethoscope around his neck and wearing light blue jeans that have a drawstring. The background looks like blue silk fabric and the book mentions its part of the My Obsession series.

From Linnea: I am sure that no doctor except maybe a male sophomore or junior medical student would be wearing a stethoscope while shirtless. It was bad enough when they wore their little white coats on dates…

Sarah: Intern! InterNips!

Hang on what’s with his “belt?” Are those laceup pants? Or is he using string as a belt? What is happening there?

He looks so bored. How do you wander around a hospital with a string for a belt and NO SHIRT and look BORED.

Amanda: Those are denim with a drawstring.

He’s also looking off screen. Is that where his “obsession” is?

Sarah: “Why did the pizza rat steal my shirt. Where is it going.”

Elyse: Is this from Doctor Nips New Orleans Family Burn Unit?

Garland Galactic Playground by Jacquelyn Evers. The background is of a space scene. There's a shirtless man with half of his face cut off by the top of the cover. His hands are in the pockets of his jeans and he has a tribal pec tattoo. His head is slightly tipped back in boredom

From Lillian: Does Galactic Playground refer to the orbiting planets or suggestions on what one might find, because there’s something unusual to find?

Sarah: That guy’s expression along with the giant light flare make me think he just ripped a truly galactic air biscuit.

Amanda: He also looks bored.

Claudia: Whatever is going on this playground, it can’t be good.

Vampires Don't Suck by Juliann Whicker. A Taylor Swift lookalike with a guitar, sleeve tattoo, and Wednesday Addams dress stands in a library next to a man who looks like Edward from Twilight. Green mist swirls around them while a Boxer dog looks at the from the bottom right corner.

From Malaraa: Vampires Don’t Suck: An Urban Fantasy Romantic Comedy (Singsong City Book 1) by Julianne Whicker. It wouldn’t be bad with half the things going on, it’s just a lot! Also doubles as another SEO title!

Sarah: I think that person is meant to resemble Taylor Swift. Nice tattoos though.

Amanda: The man also looks familiar, like a Jonas brother mixed with Edward from Twilight.

Claudia: I think vampires, by definition, do suck! I’m lost right there.

Elyse: Is that the collar to her shirt or is her neck on wrong?

The Lies of Vampires and Slayers by K.M. Shea. A redhead with a feathered bob haircut and dressed all in leather is crouched in a park. The silhouette of some bats is terribly placed by her butt.

Also from Malaraa: Very unfortunate placement on those bats – you shouldn’t have bats in that “cave”, doesn’t seem comfortable.

Sarah: Fart bats!

Elyse: Is that Emma Stone?

Sarah: Oh my gosh. Maybe!?

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